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Find a domain name and benefit from all these extras...

Icon of Domain Privacy Protection
Privacy Protection

Keep your personal information private with our domain privacy protection service. Prevent spam, identity theft, and unwanted solicitations.

Icon of DNS Management
DNS Management

The service offers the fastest response time, unparalleled redundancy, and advanced security. Manage your DNS records, website location, email, sub-domains, aliases & FTP.

Icon Register Domain
Domain & Email Forwarding

Redirect your domain and forward emails to any URL or email you choose. Enjoy direct domain forwarding, and IP forwarding for enhanced security.

Icon of Domain Lock
Domain Lock

When you have selected your domain, protect it by locking while preventing unauthorized transfers. This domain lock service will save your credentials and keep them secure.

Domain Name

Domain Insights

Selecting an Effective Domain Name

Begin by listing terms associated with your brand. Prioritize clarity and simplicity. Once you have combinations, seek opinions from trusted peers.

Maximizing a Domain Search Tool

Utilize our domain checking tool to test potential names. When you find one that's available, lock it in to enjoy the full benefits of Nabtech.

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Why Opt for Nabtech?

Unwavering 24/7 Customer Support

Our dedicated Technical Team stands ready around the clock. Boasting a swift 20-minute response time, we've successfully addressed over 70,000 queries to date.

Unyielding Commitment to Security

At Nabtech, we place your website's security and privacy at the pinnacle. We tirelessly champion for an open, safe, and free internet for everyone.

Enhancing Your Digital Footprint

With your domain in place, it's time to amplify your brand's reach. Trust in Nabtech's suite of services, meticulously designed for an unparalleled online experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I determine the availability of a domain name or find out if it's already taken?
To check a domain's availability:
  • Input your desired domain into our domain name checker.
  • If the domain is taken, you have multiple strategies available:
    • Negotiate with the current owner for acquisition.
    • Explore alternative domain names or suffixes.
    • Utilize our system's domain suggestions for close matches.
  • We prioritize user privacy. All search activities remain private, and we never share or sell your data.
Do search engines prioritize the .com domain for SEO?
While many people assume .com domains carry more weight, in reality:
  • Search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, evaluate all domain extensions on an equal footing.
  • Factors that impact SEO include:
    • Content quality and relevance
    • Site speed and optimization
    • Backlink profiles
    • User experience and mobile-friendliness
  • While a .com domain might be more recognizable to users, its SEO performance is determined by the website's overall quality and optimization.
Is it beneficial to own multiple domain extensions for a single brand?
Registering multiple domain extensions can be a strategic move for brands:
  • Protects your brand identity, preventing others from registering similar domains.
  • Guards against typos by visitors. For example, if you own both .com and .net, users will land on your site regardless of the TLD they type.
  • Expands your brand's online footprint, potentially capturing more traffic and customers.
  • Remember, with our bulk domain search tool, registering multiple domains is a breeze.
What's the range in length for a domain name?
Domain names vary in length, but here are some specifics:
  • They can range from 1 to 63 characters.
  • The length does not include the TLD (e.g., .com, .net).
  • Shorter domains are often more memorable, but it's essential to choose one that aligns with your brand and is easy for users to remember and type.
Are there any security measures in place to ensure the safety of my domain name search?
Yes, our domain name checker is secure and respects user privacy. Rest assured, we never sell your information to third parties.
What are the benefits of adding domain privacy or WHOIS protection to my domain?
Domain privacy, often referred to as WHOIS protection, offers several benefits:
  • Personal Information Protection: Without privacy protection, your registration details (name, address, email, and phone number) become publicly accessible via the WHOIS database. WHOIS protection masks this information.
  • Reduced Spam: By hiding your email address from public view, you can significantly reduce the amount of unsolicited emails or spam.
  • Prevention of Domain Hijacking: By keeping your details private, it becomes harder for malicious actors to attempt unauthorized domain transfers or changes.
  • Avoid Unsolicited Offers: WHOIS protection can deter third parties from reaching out with unwanted offers or services related to your domain.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your personal information isn't easily accessible gives a sense of security, especially in the digital age where privacy is paramount.
If you value your online privacy and wish to prevent potential nuisances, it's a good idea to consider adding WHOIS protection to your domain registration.
How soon after purchasing can I start using my domain?
Once you've completed your domain registration with us, it's typically ready to use within a few hours. However, in some cases, DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours, meaning it might take that long for everyone worldwide to be able to access your domain.
Are there any hidden fees associated with domain registration?
We believe in transparency. All our domain registration fees are upfront. There are no hidden costs. However, optional services like domain privacy or premium DNS might come with additional fees, which will be clearly outlined during the checkout process.
Can I change my domain provider or transfer my domain to another person?
Domain transfers are quite standard in the industry:
  • Domains can be transferred between different registrars or different owners.
  • Usually, an authorization code (often called an EPP code) from the current registrar is required.
  • The receiving registrar will guide you through the transfer steps, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • While domain transfers are common, always ensure you're aware of any associated fees or transfer locks.
How often will I need to renew my domain, and what happens if I don't?
Domain renewal is a crucial aspect of maintaining your online presence:
  • Most domains need to be renewed annually, though some registrars offer multi-year renewal options.
  • If you don't renew your domain, it will enter an expiration phase:
    • Initially, there's a grace period where you can renew without extra charges.
    • Following this, the domain might enter a "redemption" phase, where renewal is possible but usually at a higher cost.
    • If still not renewed, the domain is released and can be registered by anyone.
  • It's advisable to set your domains on auto-renew or maintain a calendar to avoid missing renewal dates.

Still have questions about domain registration?

Visit our Domains FAQ →

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